
Do 18. Januar, 17 - 19 Uhr




Eintritt frei

Zusammen & Leben
Science Café

Autonomous Vehicles

A Melange of Technological Process and Societal Behaviour

Have you ever wondered how driverless vehicles could have an impact on the way we live? Automation is already part of most major mobility sectors. Companies start using them to transport goods. In many cities fully automated metros are a daily occurrence. But also cars become smarter and progressively need less human intervention. Fully autonomous mobility will be part of our everyday life in the decades to come.

However, an important, but often neglected aspect in this discussion is the influence on people’s mobility behaviour and on society in general.

  • How can we responsibly and sustainably integrate driving automation into society?
  • In which specific areas would its implementation be useful, where would it be a burden or a risk/threat?
  • How will people react and use this new technology and how will that affect traffic?

These and many more questions will be addressed in the Science Café. Dr. Alexandra Millonig, researcher for mobility behaviour at the Austrian Institute for Technology, will give an insight into her work and be part of the discussion.

It wouldn’t be a café without some snacks, coffee, tea, beer, etc. Food and drinks are provided for free. The event will be held in English, is free of charge and open to everyone who is interested.

Der Verein ScienceCenter-Netzwerk lädt zum Science Café „Autonomous Vehicles – A Melange of Technological Process and Societal Behaviour” ein.

Im Rahmen des EU-Projekts HEIRRI über Responsible Research and Innovation organisiert der Verein ScienceCenter-Netzwerk ein Science Café zum Thema „Autonomes Fahren“. Zu Gast ist Dr. Alexandra Millonig, Mobilitätsverhaltensforscherin beim Austria Institute of Technology, die mit ihrer Expertise das Thema erörtern wird. In einer wertschätzenden und informellen Atmosphäre sind die Teilnehmenden dazu aufgefordert, mit einer warmen Tasse Kaffee oder einem kühlen Bier mitzudiskutieren und ihre Meinung, Vorstellungen und Bedenken kundzutun.

Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.

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