Elektro Guzzi (c) Klaus Pichler

18,00 € (zzgl. VVK-Gebühren)



"Polybrass" Album Release

Elektro Guzzi

Support: Tronstoner

For their upcoming album "Polybrass", Elektro Guzzi have drastically expanded their sonic repertoire: both in the studio and on stage, they are joined by an ensemble of three trombonists, opening up a whole new realm of possibilities. With Hilary Jeffrey, Daniel Riegler and Martin Ptak, the band are joined by three brass heavyweights, each of them well renowned for both their solo ventures as well as projects such as The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble, Sand and Zeitkratzer.

Like the soundtrack for a movie, "Polybrass" is bigger, darker, more dramatic, more intimate. Warm and fuzzy textures float weightlessly above fragile soundscapes and complex sonic fragments. At the same time, Elektro Guzzi's signature sound runs distinctly through the entire album: solid percussive grooves, stripped down to the absolute minimum it takes to make your body move. Hypnotic repetition, building tension and suspense up to a point where the energy of the music gets so intense you feel like you can physically touch it with your hands, interlaced with organic patterns of sound, constantly changing and evolving, pulsating and oscillating.

Polybrass will be out on Denovali on October 26th, 2018.

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Veranstalter: Spoon Agency

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