So 16.2.2025
18.00 - 19.00 Uhr
Freie Spende
Temporal, Terrestrial #9
Temporal, Terrestrial ist eine Reihe von Performances, die von The Instrument in Zusammenarbeit mit Künstler*innen aus den Bereichen Musik, Tanz und bildende Kunst initiiert wurde. Es handelt sich um einzelne Begegnungen, einen Brennpunkt von Leidenschaft und Kunstfertigkeit, die zwischen verschiedenen Disziplinen und künstlerischen Visionen geteilt werden. Ziel dieser Reihe ist es, einen Dialog zwischen Bühnenkünstler*innen zu schaffen und zu aktivieren, die die Kunst der Improvisation jenseits von Konzepten und Grenzen entwickelt haben. ‚Temporal, Terrestrial‘ ist auch ein Spiegel der Kultur und Gemeinschaft, indem es Dialoge anstößt, die sich zu einem dringenden kollektiven Ausdruck zusammenfinden. Die größte Faszination geht von diesem Austausch zwischen Identität und Umgebung aus.
Temporal, Terrestrial is a series of performances, initiated by The Instrument in collaboration with creators from the field of music, dance and visual art. It unfolds single encounters, a focal point of passion and artistry shared between disciplines and artistic visions. The aim of this series is to create and activate a dialogue between stage artists who have developed the richness of improvisation beyond conceptions and frontiers. 'Temporal, Terrestrial' is also a mirror of culture and community, by instigating dialogues which come together as an urgent collective expression. Its main fascination is anchored within this exchange, between identity and surroundings.
Intro in three sentences:
Experimental Music and Dance Performance
Performance, Tanz: Maya Matilda Carroll, Christa Stöffelbauer, Rudi Aeneas Natterer
Elektroakustische Medien: Roy Carroll
Produktion: The Instrument – Maya Matilda Carroll, Roy Carroll
Koproduktion: Christa Stöffelbauer, Rudi Aeneas Natterer
Partner*innen: WUK, ttp – tanz theater performance
- Maya Matilda Carroll is a choreographer, dancer, mentor and teacher. For over 20 years she has been creating independent work and performance. Through The Instrument Maya initiates and is involved in productions that range between independent projects and larger scale commissions. www.theinstrument.org
- Roy Carroll is a musician / composer working with electroacoustic media, which is broadly a set of materials and processes that includes amplification, transducers, synthesis, feedback, audio recordings, software, - auditory and psychoacoustic phenomena even. Feedback, the horror of an instrument hearing itself, is a recurring component of Carroll's work, creating multi-layered forms that continually renegotiate the transformation of electrical audio signals into disturbed air. Roy is based in Berlin.
- Christa Stöffelbauer is a dancer, performer, dance facilitator based in Vienna and produces dance performances in collaboration with artists from various disciplines. With a background in social work, her artistic work focuses on themes of being human and approaches that seek the connection between the body, dance and socio-political issues. Studying with Maya M. Carroll, Agostina D'Alessandro and Julyen Hamilton has inspired her path since 2018. She works internationally with Instant Composition in the context of dance performance works in theatre spaces and site-specific works in urban spaces. Her interest is in the potential of collaborative composition and the infinite expression of the dancing body in the moment in relation to time, space and audience as well as in creating spaces where this artistic exchange is possible.
- Rudi Aeneas Natterer is a dancer, performer and musician. Rudi’s moving body was first shaped by Basketball, Capoeira and Contact Improvisation. After discovering Contemporary Dance at age 21, the practices quickly became his path, lab and teacher. He attended countless international festivals, graduated from Tanzfabrik Berlin and later SEAD, Salzburg, and now works internationally as a freelance dancer. Group improvisation entered his life when studying with Jan Burkhardt in Berlin. The poetry of spontaneously emerging group coordination since has remained one of his core interests. With his collective peripheral vision, Rudi had the chance to thoroughly research and refine tools for Instant Composition, which among others led them to perform in the Finnish National Gallery. Influences range from improvised music and Zen Buddhism to Critical Theory.