It's what you all have been waiting for;
(And on ZOOM of all funkelicious places!)
Just kidding just kidding, this is of course nothing like the rest of them.
This is, after all, PCCC*; we'll bring laughs, charming awkwardness and very likely a lot of technical mishaps & oopsies! Though WUK performing arts will do their best to keep everything working.
Join Denice Bourbon when she zooms with (almost) all the star performers to talk about 4 years of PCCC*: backstage stories, jokes gone wrong, favourite moments and why doing comedy is so much more terrifying than that time your parent walked in on you having your special alone time when your were 15.
You will see us, but we won't see you. HOWEVER! we still, as always dearest bestest audience, will need you there.
How? You can ask us questions or just send some love through the chat function.
And for the first time ever in the history of PCCC*, you get to meet our sensitivity reader, the brilliance who goes by the name Hyo Lee.
It will be grand, it will be hilarious and it will definitely be ALL OVER THE PLACE!!
What is PCCC*?
Political Correctness doesn’t have to equal censorship – it could simply mean: Fun for more people. Denice Bourbon, the reigning Queen of Vienna’s Queer Backyard, will present comedic talent from all strands of the performing arts, as long as they are funny - half in GERMAN, halb auf ENGLISCH.
So oder so erinnern Veranstaltungen wie der PCCC* daran, wie politisch Humor eigentlich ist.
Amira Ben Saoud, Der Standard 17.12.2019

Über die Beteiligten
PCCC* is going beyond the cliché – again. You will hear punchlines that are 100 % free from “funny” accents, “men are like this“ (penis) and „women like this“ (shoes).