
€ 8 | 11 | 14 nach Selbsteinschätzung



Performance, Tanz, TheaterPerformance

PCCC #8: 2018 – ANY GOOD?

Hindsight is always easier. We all thought that 2016 was the shittiest year ever because a few celebrities died. Then 2017 proved to be even shittier. Now 2018 is coming to an end and we see a trend here. Only this time it's not David Bowie who's dying but DEMOCRACY // THE CLIMATE // THE HOUSING MARKET // EVERYTHING! (Edvard Munch Emoji)

WAIT! Sometimes we are a little strong on the negative, aren't we? Must be the gloomy sky, 2nd hand Glühwein breath, crumpled pages of Heute/Österreich or a combination of the above (found at every public space in Vienna). We are sure: Everything's not lost. For PCCC* #8, we take a close look at 2018: Was it any good? What did we like? What made us happy?

Join us for a ride of looking in the reviewmirror of another year we survived!

Buckle up when we shift into the turbo gear for the end of the year!!!

(Please also pretend that years are a bit like cars.)

What is PCCC*?

Political Correctness doesn’t have to equal censorship – it could simply mean: Fun for more people. Denice Bourbon, the reigning Queen of Vienna’s Queer Backyard and Josef Jöchl, good at typing, will present comedic talent from all strands of the performing Arts, as long as they are funny - half in GERMAN, halb auf ENGLISCH.

PCCC - Vienna's first queer comedy club

Über die Beteiligten

One gay guy and a queerfeminist lesbian walk into a bar, where they say OMG a lot and wear overalls. Not. PCCC* is going beyond the cliché – again. For the 8th time you will hear punchlines that are 100 % free from “funny” accents, “men are like this“ (penis) and „women like this“ (shoes).

DENICE BOURBON ist eine lesbisch/queere Performerin, Autorin, Musikerin, Moderatorin und DJ. Stand-up-Comedy ist aber ihre allergrößte Leidenschaft.

JOSEF JÖCHL macht seit mehreren Jahren irgendwas mit Medien. PCCC* ist das erste Bühnenprojekt, an dem er mitarbeitet.

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