
Th 13.6.2024
5.00 pm - 7.00 pm Hrs

Great Girls, Jaroslava Tomanova, Czech Republic, 2023, Still from Great Girls © Jaroslava Tomanova

Talking Care


With Ema Benčíková, Marina Löbl, Nora Mayr, Ortsbezogene Kunst, Jaroslava Tomanova and Stephanie Winter

Kunsthalle Exnergasse is a cooperation partner of Zukunftshof with the Artist-in-Residence program "KEX Residence". This former estate is a center for urban agriculture and nutrition as well as a social-ecological oriented district development at the edge of the city of Vienna, in the middle of a projected urban expansion area. 

Within the framework of the KEX Residency, artists, curators or other cultural workers come to Vienna for a period of time, whose practice is located at the interface of art, urbanism, ecology and social issues.

For “Talking Care”, a storytelling format with explorations around the topic of care, initiatives, artists, care workers, scientists and curators are invited who deal with similar content as the current KEX residents. The guests bring along an object, a quote, a story or a tool that stands for their own work or content. By talking about what is important to them, connections are made, experiences are exchanged, new things are discovered and perspectives are shifted.


Ema Benčíková is a director, performer, care worker and a curator. She researches and facilitates the intersection of queer and crip communities. In their art/social work they foreground trans embodiment and mutual aid strategies. Ema is currently kültür gemma Fellow.

Marina Löblis the founder and managing director of Naschgarten, a non-profit organization that gives children access to nature and healthy eating. The economist and former teacher has been working on the development and implementation of her passion project for three years. 

Nora Mayr is a freelance curator, lecturer at the Node Centre for Curatorial Studies and part of the Applied Interdisciplinary Laboratory (AIL) since 2022. Her curatorial work focuses on formats beyond traditional exhibition spaces and frames, often experimenting with strong scenographies. Recent projects include exhibitions at the Viborg Kunsthal, Casino - Forum d'Art Contemporain, Luxembourg and MeetFactory, Prague, as well as in public spaces as part of the Wandertag and Bussi project from Vienna.

Ortsbezogene Kunst
A group of students and alumni are exploring the question: “What does the future hold for the village square?” This question is transferred to the Zukunftshof and the place itself, its surroundings and its history are explored for possible scenarios. OK (Ortsbezogene Kunst) is currently KEX Resident at Zukunftshof.

Jaroslava Tomanová is working as an independent curator based in Prague. Her current practice explores gender in institutional power relations, the social and political aspects of care work, and emotional labour and the moral dilemmas associated with it. Tomanová is currently a KEX Resident at Zukunftshof.

Stephanie Winter is an artist, director and curator. With her performative office SALON HYBRID and the MOTHERBOARD Artspace, which opens in 2021, she operates at the interface of artistic research, performance, immersive installation and film. She integrates experts, artists, visitors and other living beings into her laboratories, narratives and alternative worlds. Her practice includes exploring new practices of learning and sharing knowledge, feelings, food, radical care, ecological necessities and working with inner and outer healing processes.

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Der KUNSTHALLE EXNERGASSE Newsletter informiert im Schnitt zweimal monatlich über das aktuelle Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsprogramm in Kunsthalle Exnergasse und KEX Residency.