
14.9. - 20.9.2024


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

Unpacking Embodied Knowledge, 2017 Photo: Dimas Maulana, (c) Cemeti Institute of Art and Society and Bakudapan Food Study Group
Kunsthalle Exnergasse

On Being Familiar

The artists Elia Nurvista and Marta Fernández Calvo were in Vienna at the same time as artists-in-residence of KEX in autumn 2023. On Being Familiar now provides insights into their respective artistic practices in a spatial setting.

Marta Fernández Calvo will have a reading in the exhibition space about the familiar and the domestic in processes of migration, adaptation and living together in new spaces, cultures and territories. Over a shared meal, a space will be created for the exchange of individual experiences.

In a workshop, Elia Nurvista will prepare certain Indonesian recipes with special kitchen utensils together with the visitors and discuss together how food and the kitchen can be tools for collective power.

The space will be staged by the artists for the two events. Brought along objects from Spain and Indonesia will accumulate, a reflection of the process of rapprochement and exchange between the two artists.


This change to the programme is a reaction to visa difficulties. The originally planned spatial intervention and joint workshop between the two artists cannot take place. The spatial setting would have been a collective exercise that would have used recipes and objects to encourage people to rethink food and nutrition and, in the process, to reflect on the concepts of work and care.

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