
We 23.9.2015
8.00 pm Hrs


Kunsthalle Exnergasse


KEX Open Material

Daniel Hafner

KEX Open Material
Daniel Hafner

Wednesday, 23.09.2015, 8:00 pm

Daniel Hafner (*1979, A)
The interventions by fine artist Daniel Hafner reside in a realm beyond the fake and superficial, although they push the limits between everyday reality and distinguishable artistic projects. The specific stories of a given space are also implicit in the work, drawing the observers into a subtle artistic game with the potentials in the environment that surrounds us. In the framework of KEX Open Material a dream is the departure point for an arrangement of objects.

Autumn, leaves, piles. Small machines here and there. Long pipes.
A silent image. No movement.

A programme in the framework of:

KEX Open Material
4 X 50-Minute Experiments
400 m2 and 50 minutes of space and time for art and material. In this framework invited protagonists define their approaches to materiality, the concepts and flows of material in their artistic production processes. Between the specific potentials and frictions of material and the demands of artistic intention, the focus is placed on aesthetic decisions, formal transfer, and collaborations through experimental presentation methods of different artistic positions.
KEX Open Material will take place each Wednesday between Sept. 16 and Oct. 7, 2015 in cooperation with the Kunsthalle Exnergasse.

16.09.2015, 8:00 pm Fiona Rukschcio
23.09.2015, 8:00 pm Daniel Hafner
30.09.2015, 8:00 pm Karl-Heinz Ströhle
07.10.2015, 8:00 pm Elisabeth Wildling