
Fri 27.1.2023

16.00 – 17.30 Uhr


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

© Ana Mikadze, Marie Judith Le Gars, Marie Kolarov

Workshop: Queer Types

Act of zine-making has been a commonly chosen medium among queer individuals and radical queer publishing houses for self-expression, while being neglected by the mainstream media.  
Through hosting queer zine workshops artists Ana Mikadze, Marie Judith Le Gars and Marie Kolarova invite the members of LGBTQIA+ community to re-discover and discuss graphic outcomes of historical queer acts. The results of these discussions will be visualised by each participant designing a page for the ‘Queer Types’ zine. 

No prior experience needed
Working language: English
Research material: German, English

Sign up via kunsthalle.exnergasse@wuk.at

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