
Fr 24.2.2023
7.00 pm - 9.00 pm Hrs


Kunsthalle Exnergasse

© reinagl.at

The Art of Indoor Tuntathlon

Artful Tuntathletics beyond all gender identities for watching and participating (hosted by Kulturverein Tuntenstraße).

Is it sport? Is it performance? Is it social sculpture? What the Vienna Tuntathlon achieves every year outdoors is now turned indoors in the ambience of Queer Art Spaces Vienna: To collectively shake up gender roles and have a lot of fun.

While at the conventional Tuntathlon pitching handbags, stilettoing and synchronously ironing are part of the competition, the indoor Tuntathlon is about: Longboard-handbag-gliding, artwork-consumer-posing and trolley-dollying.

Under the expert guidance of experienced Tuntathletes and the gentle motivation of Mastress of Disasters Katrinka Kitschovsky, EVERYONE can test their skills and show who most expressively can master the competitions .

No registration necessary, just come, watch, participate.

Start: 7 pm.
Djane: La Mireille Milieu

W24 was live with us, watch here

With friendly support by:
Kultur im 9. - Alsergrund

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