
We 12.6.2024
6.00 pm Hrs


pay as you wish



(c) Fabian Sorger
Kunsthalle Exnergasse


The association Verein Hint Wien presents an evening of highly intersectional queer centered poetry, storytelling and song to mark Pride 2024. JG Danso and friends will read works in English and German.

"Hint Wien is a non-profit association in Vienna, Austria. Our mission is to generate joy and empowerment in and for highly intersectional LGBTQIA+ communities. To realise this mission, we harness the power of highly intersectional, queer-centered and multilingual storytelling. Through this work we support the mental health, well-being, economic social equality and empowerment."

This event is organised by The Queer Writers Circle Vienna Youth Initiative, a Queer Writers Circle Vienna project by Hint Wien. It is supported by the Verein Schwarze Frauen Community (Black Women's Community) and Kunsthalle Exnergasse, WUK.

Verein Hint wien is co-funded by OEAD Erasmus+ of the European Union. Views and opinion expressed are however of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Updates on Instagram: @queerwriterscirclevienna

Please note that there will be photography at this event. By attending, you give permission to be photographed.

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