
Mi 19. September bis Sa 22. September
20.30 Uhr

So 23. September 
14.00 Uhr


Mi bis Sa 13 €
So 8 €



JazzWerkstatt Wien Festival 2018

before we die

Under the motto “before we die” JazzWerkstatt Kollektiv Wien invites artists and visitors to celebrate the music of the here and now. This year the festival has been curated together with the initiatives “Fraufeld”, “klingt.org”, and “Fluxuskompensator”. The programme shows like a kaleidoscope what currently makes the Viennese musical landscape so creative and alive: its stylistic diversity, the mutual inspiration, and musical quality of various scenes.

Artists from three generations, from abstract music to electronica and pop, the tried and tested and inventions of the moment: JazzWerkstatt doesn’t portray jazz as narrowminded stylistics and old music genre, rather as a driving force of a social utopia in the spirit of a shared passion. Listening is perhaps the most underestimated tool of democracy, so let’s end this with Charlie Parker: “Now’s the Time!”