Das Dschungelbuch, frei nach R. Kypling, Gastspiel Theater ASOU, März 2018, (C) Michael Hofkirchner

7th - 11th March 2018



Entrence Fee

€ 8

€ 6 Groups


The Jungle Book

Based on Rudyard Kipling

Poetic storytelling theatre with live music and puppetry

A small boy lies in the middle of the jungle. Separated from his parents, the tiger Shere Khan sees him as his next dinner. But the wolves of the jungle save the boy from the dangerous tiger. Enthralled by the cute human child, they decide to raise him as one of their own. They call him Mowgli – “little frog” – because he is totally naked and doesn’t have any fur. Mowgli discovers the jungle together with his pack of wolves, the cushy bear Baloo, and the elegant panther Bagheera. But Shere Khan doesn’t give up: He tries once again to get Mowgli in his claws and attacks his wolf family. Mowgli has to make decision: Is he really a wolf or actually a human?

The exciting world of the jungle is brought to life with puppets, masks, and live music. The piece tells stories of family, life between two cultures, and the search for one’s own place in the world.

Freely adapted from Rudyard Kipling, a theatre piece for the whole family and children 5+.

Theater ASOU

Director: Ursula Molitschnig
Actors: Michael Hofkirchner, Ursula Litschauer
Live music: Fiona Thausing-Wang
Puppets and masks: Michael Hofkirchner, Margit Szombath
Stage and props: Christina Weber
Costumes: Barbara Häusl
Light design: Christina Weber
Production management: Michaela Zottler
Photos: Rudolf Thausing

Dschungelbuch, Theater ASOU, 7.-11. April, WUK , (c) Theater ASOU
Programm WUK KinderKultur

Comic Zeichnen (6+)

Mit Christian Freer / Melanie Theilich und Iman Hassan

Wer gerne zeichnet ist hier richtig! Comics zeichnen muss nicht schwer sein. In diesem Workshop geben Dir Comic-Profis wertvolle Tipps: Wie muss ein Comic aufgebaut werden? Was musst du tun, dass deine Figuren witzig aussehen? Oder wie realistisch sollen deine Figur und deren Umwelt erscheinen?

Mo 19.08.2024 bis Fr 23.08.2024
, Museum


Manga Zeichnen (10-13 J)

Mit Nicole Schuster und Jan Resperger

Nico Schuster und Jan Resperger, leidenschaftliche Manga-und Comicillustrator_innen, zeigen, wie man ganz einfach seine eigenen Held_innen zeichnet. Mit ein paar Tricks ist es nicht schwer, den typischen Comic-Stil aus Japan zu erlernen.
Im Rahmen des WIENXTRA-Semsterferienspiels.

Mo 19.08.2024 bis Fr 23.08.2024
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