
We 10.5.2017 - Tu 23.5.2017


Kunsthalle Exnergasse


40 Years IntAkt

Self-Portrait – Context: Image of Women

40 Years IntAkt
Self-Portrait – Context: Image of Women

Kunsthalle Exnergasse und IntAkt-Raum
Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus WUK, Währinger Straße 59 /Stiege 2

Opening: Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 7 pm
Symposium: Wednesday, May 17, 2017, 3.30 pm - 6:30 pm
Exhibition: May 11 - May 24, 2017

Portrait painting workshop: 18.-24.5.2017, during opening hours (19.5.: only until 3.30 pm)
Dates for games: „ALEA GO“: 12.5. and 16.5.2017, 4 pm
Date for talk: In-Talk with Alexandra Schantl: 22.5. 2017, 5-6 pm

The history of the association and its political founding moments will be presented and reflected upon in the framework of an IntAkt Labor. A major exhibition by members on the topic “Self-Portrait” displays the self-conception of the individual artists and aims to stimulate a discussion about the “Image of Women in the Public Sphere”, also in terms of the role of IntAkt. It will be complemented by – playful, sensual, ironic, and critical – block installations/interventions such as IntAkt-Labor, Kletterwand, Kunstbuffet, WeWork, Denkmal, and Black Box.

Coordination: Verein IntAkt in cooperation with Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Gudrun Kaitna-Engel, Zita Breu, Elli Schnitzer, Susanne Kompast, Beate Schachinger, Friederike Hubatschek, Jadranka Protic, Fria Elfen, Maria Bergstötter, Marta Vetö, Gerti Hopf, Ute Walter, amongst others

Participating artists:
Christine Baumann, Irmingard Beierle, Maria Bergstötter, Maria Blazejovsky, Zita Breu, Luise Buisman, Ilse Chlan, Linda Christanell, Anna Coucoutas, Crisfor, Fria Elfen, Christine Eichinger, Lisa Est, Ingrid Gaier, Suchra Gummelt, Sarah Godthart, Karin Hannak, Ran Haubert, Gerti Hopf, Friederike Hubatschek, Christine Huber, Hansi Hubmer, Gudrun Kaitna-Engel, Angelika Kaufmann, Evelin Klein, Ilse Kilic, Teresa Kacprzak-Niedzialkowski, Solange Keschmann, Barbara Klampfl, Susanne Kompast, Ivica Krošlákova, Sarah Iris Mang, Gabriele Nepo-Stieldorf, Tanya Niedermüller, Karin Maria Pfeifer, Jadranka Protić, Anna Rafetseder, Gisela Reimer, Lena Rot, Beate Schachinger, Meina Schellander, Elli Schnitzer, Edda Seidl-Reiter, Mitra Shahmoradi, Christiane Spatt, starsky, Marion Steinfellner, Sybille Uitz, Mieke Vasse, Marta Vetö, Linde Waber, Ute Walter, Ingrid Wald, Dorothee Zombronner

Symposium: Wednesday, May 17, 2017, 3.30 – 7.30 pm

Birgit Sauer, Politikwissenschaft, Universität Wien
Elke Krasny, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Brigitte Hornyik, Juristin, stellvertretende Vorsitzende Österreichischer Frauenring
Edith Stohl, ORF, Frauennetzwerk Medien
Helene Baur, Basis Wien
Angelika Romauch, Kunsthistorikerin
Moderation: Petra Unger, MA Gender Studies und Feministische Forschung

Contakt: Gudrun Kaitna-Engel, Chair IntAkt g.kaitna-engel@tele2.at / +43-(0)676 5097179