Democratic School
A School of Life
To learn something in biology the democratic school initiates a water project. Statics becomes self-explanatory when you try to make a spaghetti bridge. Media competence is not just a catchword, it is a subject. And in the weekly plenary meetings it is clear that democracy and participation are not empty words but the basis of a functioning community.
The Democratic School is not an ordinary school. The education in our full-day, certified private school is based on the Glocksee curriculum, where the primary goal is the development of a social, creative and self-confident personality. Personal experiences are integrated into the learning process and developments in society are reflected upon – be it in how we deal with our resources, the climate change, or racism and homophobia.
All of the ca. 65 students between 10 and 18 years of age, the 8 teachers, and the engaged parents are equally involved in the democratic development of the school. At theDemocratic School this is the epitome of democracy in daily practice.
Learning is the goal. As there is no fear of marks and tests, the students and teachers can fully devote themselves to this important topic. Hence, it is important to holistically partake in the learning process, which means using all of one’s senses, while gender specific criteria are always taken into account.
In order to better understand the complexity of the various subjects, all relevant topics are taught in an interdisciplinary manner, customised to the individual and his or her particular needs. There is a balance between emotional, social, handcraft, and intellectual activities in order to align learning processes with everyday and professional life.
There is space in the school. We are always happy to hear when people are interested in our school! If you would like to learn more, please contact us via the information provided below.
We are at your disposal with help and advice for any open questions. After a taster week we will decide together about admission. Whoever is pleased with this process will definitely be in good company at the Democratic School.